
MADISON – Today, member of the Assembly Committee on Jobs and the Economy Rep. David Crowley (D-Milwaukee) offered the Democratic Weekly Radio Address on the Assembly bill that will offer $3 billion of incentives to Foxconn:

“Right now, this deal is more like a gamble without any real guarantees that paying Foxconn $3 billion will mean good things for Wisconsin,” Rep. Crowley said. “It’s Walker’s job to get the best possible deal for Wisconsin; and together we can hold him to it.”

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here, and the video can be found here.

A written transcript of the address is below:

“Hi, I’m State Representative David Crowley with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.

“This week the State Assembly will be voting on Governor Walker’s proposed Foxconn deal. Right now, this deal is more like a gamble without any real guarantees that paying Foxconn $3 billion will mean good things for Wisconsin.

“Here’s what Democrats are fighting for:

“Putting the State of Wisconsin first. Foxconn should prioritize Wisconsin workers, contractors and suppliers.

“We want to ensure the jobs created are good, family-supporting jobs.

“Democrats are also fighting to protect our state’s environment and natural resources.

“And we want to protect taxpayers. With a $3 billion dollar price tag, we need to get a good return on our investment.

“We are fighting for transportation as well as job training. Wisconsin workers should be trained to work at Foxconn instead of importing workers from out of state, and WI workers should have viable transportation options.

“Republicans have already said ‘no’ to these changes but the fight is not over. We will continue to fight for you and fight for a better deal. It’s Walker’s job to get the best possible deal for Wisconsin; and together we can hold him to it.”