Contact: Madison Wiberg
Washington, D.C. – Today Rep. Gallagher called on his colleagues in the House to join him in supporting the Congressional Accountability and Hush Fund Elimination Act. This bipartisan piece of legislation seeks to prevent sexual harassment and assault within Congress, empower survivors, and eliminate the congressional hush fund that is currently being used to settle such claims with taxpayer money. Rep. Gallagher serves as an original co-sponsor of the bill.
“Members of Congress using taxpayer dollars to cover up sexual harassment is unacceptable,” Rep. Gallagher said. “I urge my colleagues in the House to support this bill to help empower survivors, restore accountability in Congress, and protect taxpayer money. It’s time to hold Congress to a higher standard, and this bill is a necessary place to start.”
The Congressional Accountability and Hush Fund Elimination Act:
- Prohibits the use of public funds to pay settlements or awards for sexual harassment or assault claims;
- Discloses all payments previously made by the Office of Compliance on its website (the name of the victim is expressly prohibited from being disclosed);
- Requires perpetrators to reimburse the taxpayers with interest;
- Prohibits nondisclosure agreements as a precondition to initiate procedures to address sexual harassment or assault claims; and permits victims of sexual harassment or assault to make public statements about their claim, regardless of any previously signed nondisclosure agreement.