Contact: Rep. Adam Jarchow 608-267-2365
Madison – Rep. Jarchow (R-Balsam Lake) released the following statement following the unexpected death of Rep. Bob Gannon (R-West Bend):
“Bob was one of a kind. I have a great respect for anyone who enters public service not because they want a new job or a title, but because they care about their community and their neighbors – that was Bob Gannon. After we both got elected in 2014, I got to know Bob as a passionate freedom fighter who was not afraid to speak his mind and ruffle a few feathers. His constituents were well served in the State Assembly and they will surely miss his leadership.
We lost a good man yesterday. I mourn the loss of Bob as a colleague, but more importantly, as a friend. My heart goes out to his wife, children, family, and friends – they are in my thoughts and prayers.”