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Madison…State Representative Scott Krug (R-Rome) is proud to announce his vote for a
transformational change to build a better Wisconsin.

“Coming from an area hard hit by job losses in the 90’s and early 2000’s I completely understand the devastation that massive job losses can bring to an economy, said Rep. Krug (R-Rome).” Having the opportunity to be a helping hand is a great reason to lend support to this project. The economics of the project make it an even easier vote to take. This project will have huge ripple effects throughout the state.”

Representative Krug voted in favor of the special session bill that paves the way for a $10 billion capital investment and thousands of jobs. Foxconn, a Taiwanese electronics company, wants to build the first LCD manufacturing facility in North America in Wisconsin. It is estimated the project will have an multi billion dollar economic impact every year, thousands of construction jobs and new business opportunities throughout the state.

“Providing career opportunities for hard working Wisconsinites has been the cornerstone of my work here in Madison and in the private sector,” said Rep. Krug. “Everything we have done these last few years has led to this opportunity and that vision will pay off for families all across Wisconsin. I imagine a day in the near future that we start talking about a brain gain versus a brain drain. A day that families no longer worry about their children and grandchildren leaving the state for careers elsewhere. It is a new day for manufacturing in Wisconsin. Cleaner, safer and healthier manufacturing makes Wisconsin an even better place to live, work, play and raise a family.”

The Foxconn project is considered the largest economic development in state history. The legislation provides incentives to the company when it builds its facilities and creates new positions. The package protects taxpayers because it only provides tax credits when Foxconn delivers on its agreement. It also invests in worker training throughout the state. The bill requires the Department of Workforce Development to work closely with local universities, colleges, technical schools and non-profits on a plan to facilitate employment and training to suppliers and vendors as well as businesses impacted by the employment at Foxconn.

The bill also protects the environment by strengthening wetland mitigation. For every acre of wetland that may be disturbed, two more have to be created as close to the sight as possible. In addition, air and water standards must be followed and the DNR is instructed to oversee the development.

The bill will now go to the Joint Committee on Finance and the state Senate for approval.