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Madison – State Representative Amy Loudenbeck (R-Clinton) sent a letter to the Surface Transportation Board (STB) Office of Rail Customer and Public Assistance in response to the filing of a formal filing by Great Lakes Basin Transportation, Inc. (GLBT) to the STB for authority to construct and operate a 261-mile rail line through portions of Wisconsin, Illinois, and Indiana.

“While the issues related to GLBT’s proposal are numerous, the comments provided in this letter are focused on three major decision items for the STB: completeness of the GLBT’s application; confidentiality of GLBT’s shareholders and their interest; and consideration of the entire project as one “connected action.” Rep. Loudenbeck says in the letter. “When GLBT submitted their application on May 1st, they also announced that the $8 billion project was not just a rail line but also a major highway toll-road. This illustrates that the developers have been planning one project that encompasses the rail line and the highway toll-road. The STB must consider the entire scope of the GLBT’s proposed project as one “connected action” when reviewing their application.”

To read the full letter, please click here or follow the link below.