Madison – Today State Representative Adam Neylon (R-Pewaukee) issued the following statement in response to Governor Walker’s budget address:
“I am applaud Gov. Walker for including the REINS Act in his biennial budget, legislation I introduced this session and last session. This crucial reform will help the people of this state, and the legislature, hold the line on burdensome regulations that negatively impact business owners and individuals. This common sense reform is long overdue and I applaud the Governor for his efforts on this.

“I am pleased Governor Walker’s budget included another bill I have authored that closes the loophole allowing school districts to raise property taxes beyond their revenue limits without going to referendum.

“Additionally, I am happy to see his proposed increase in K-12 education funding, income and property tax cuts, and workforce development and vocational training programs. These reforms will help close the skills gap and continue moving Wisconsin forward.

“I look forward to working with my colleagues on this important budget, and ensuring these important reforms remain.”