Rep. Todd Novak- (608) 266-7502
Sen. Howard Marklein- (608) 266-0703
Madison – Rep. Todd Novak (R-Dodgeville) and Sen. Howard Marklein (R-Spring Green) recently drafted a bill to make Cheese the official State Dairy Product following a presentation by the 4th grade classes of Mrs. Lynn Ross, Mrs. Paige Grimm, and Mrs. Livia Doyle at Mineral Point Elementary School.
“It is common practice that school children propose ideas for new state symbols.” said Novak. “Both Sen. Marklein and I found the presentation to be very thorough and persuasive. We are excited to work to bring their proposal before the legislature for consideration.”
The bill is currently being circulated for co-sponsorship before formal introduction to the state legislature.
“The presentation we heard this month focused on Wisconsin’s cheese making history as well as its importance for our local agricultural economy,” said Marklein. “They made a great case for drafting a bill and Rep. Novak and I agreed to move ahead with legislation.”
Wisconsin produces 3 billion pounds of cheese every year; more cheese annually than any other state in the nation. Wisconsin ranks 4th in the world behind the U.S, France, and Germany in cheese production.
Many state symbols have been legislated in response to presentations by Wisconsin school children. In 2003, the Cranberry became Wisconsin’s State Fruit following a presentation by a 5th grade class from Kenosha, WI.