Contact: Rep. John Nygren, (888) 534-0089

Madison–State Representative John Nygren (R-Marinette), Co-chair of the Joint Committee on Finance, released the following statement regarding $2.6 million in grants awarded to Milwaukee County to fight opioid crisis:

“I was very pleased to see the announcement of $2.6 million in grants awarded to Milwaukee County for an increase access to drug treatment courts. On Monday, Milwaukee County received $505,000 from the state Department of Health and Human Services. These dollars will have an immediate impact. This funding will help move 75 individuals off the waiting list of the county Behavioral Health Division and place them directly into the Alcohol and Other Drug Addiction (AODA) residential treatment program for 2018.

“Providing individuals with quicker access to treatment is one of the most important steps we can take as a state to help combat this epidemic facing our state and nation. This grant will play a major role in doing just that. Getting addicted individuals off of waiting lists and into treatment will save lives.

“In addition to the $505,000 grant received from DHHS, Milwaukee County was also awarded a $2.1 million, five-year grant from the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. This funding will help make improvements to the family drug treatment courts services for voluntary participants and their children. This is a huge step for Wisconsin as we continue our fight against opioid addiction. These dollars will have a real, immediate impact on those on the forefront of our fight against addiction.

“I am proud of the steps that we as a state are taking to reduce opioid addiction and I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues as we continue to address this epidemic.”


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