Contact: Rep. Jessie Rodriguez                                        (608) 266-0610

MADISON – With strong bipartisan support the Wisconsin State Assembly approved legislation, authored by Representative Jessie Rodriguez (R-Oak Creek), that aims to end homelessness in Wisconsin through employment efforts. The bill is part of a four-piece package of bills aimed at tackling homelessness.

 “The bill we passed today takes a unique approach to ending homelessness in Wisconsin by providing homeless individuals with the tools and skills needed to find permanent employment,” said Rodriguez. “Today, we took the first step towards ending homelessness in Wisconsin.”

Modeled after a successful program in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the bill creates a pilot program authorizing the Department of Administration to provide a grant to help municipalities connect homeless adults with permanent employment. Municipalities would be required to provide additional funding to be eligible for the program. 

The bill is modeled after “There’s a Better Way”; a program developed in Albuquerque, New Mexico that has created 2,000 day jobs since the program began in June 2015. The success of the There’s a Better Way has spurred eight similar programs throughout the country.

“This is an exciting opportunity to partner with local municipalities to help people get job skills and work experience that will lead to permanent employment and reduce homelessness,” said Rodriguez.

“This approach has proven successful in other parts of the country and I’m confident in its potential in Wisconsin.”