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MADISON – After seven hours of debate Thursday evening, Rep. Rodriguez and her Assembly colleagues approved legislation that will allow Foxconn Technology Group to move forward with plans to invest more than $10 billion in a plant to be located in southeastern Wisconsin.  

“This is an amazing opportunity for Wisconsin and the region,” said Rodriguez. “This proposal will create thousands of careers with family supporting wages so that families can be prosperous and pursue their dreams.” 

Foxconn is expected to create 13,000 jobs once the plant is fully operational with an average wage of $53,875. The plant will be the only high-tech manufacturing facility of its kind located in North America creating a new sector for Wisconsin’s manufacturing economy.  

“Today, my colleagues and I demonstrated that we are committed to delivering careers for hardworking families and we did it by listening to taxpayers and addressing their concerns in the amended legislation passed today,” said Rodriguez.  

The final legislation passed by the Assembly included significant changes to address concerns raised during the public hearing two weeks ago. The amended bill included additional funding to address workforce shortages and verified the company will be subject to environmental regulations. The deal also includes claw-back provisions to protect taxpayers if jobs are not created. 

Foxconn is still considering possible locations but is expected to choose a site in Racine or Kenosha counties.

“This is a jobs bill that will only make our economy healthier and stronger for years to come.”