Contact: Rep. Christine Sinicki, 608.266.8588
MADISON – Today, Rep. Christine Sinicki (D-Milwaukee) offered the Democratic Weekly Radio Address on the continued attacks on Wisconsin workers and businesses by the GOP:
“We believe that, instead of serving special interests, the State should do what’s better for our families, employers and workers,” Rep. Sinicki said. “That means fighting for good wages, spending our tax dollars in Wisconsin and choosing Wisconsin businesses.”
The audio file of this week’s address can be found here, and the video can be found here.
A written transcript of the address is below:
“Hi, I’m Representative Christine Sinicki with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.
“Since 2014, Republicans have promised that by repealing the prevailing wage law for local building projects, they would save money. This is not true. Instead, we’re seeing lost building contracts for Wisconsin companies, lost wages for Wisconsin workers, and lower-quality work on Wisconsin projects.
“Since Republicans repealed prevailing wage, 53 percent more municipal projects have been awarded to out-of-state companies. Instead of choosing Wisconsin businesses and workers, who do better work at fairer wages, those contracts are going to out-of-state companies from Kentucky, Missouri, and even Florida.
“Now, Governor Walker wants to repeal prevailing wage for the big state building and road projects as well.
“We believe that, instead of serving special interests, the State should do what’s better for our families, employers and workers. That means fighting for good wages, spending our tax dollars in Wisconsin, and choosing Wisconsin businesses. And that’s why Democrats will keep fighting against bad ideas like this, and why we’ll keep fighting for Wisconsin jobs.
“Thank you.”