Contact: Rep. Rob Summerfield
(608) 266-1194
MADISON – State Representative Rob Summerfield (R-Bloomer) voted to approve the state’s biennial budget yesterday evening, which includes a record investment in education and a number of important provisions for western Wisconsin. The budget bill passed the Assembly on a vote of 57-39.
“We are investing in our students, our healthcare, our local infrastructure, and ultimately, our community,” said Rep. Summerfield. “I’m proud to have voted for this budget and the improvements that it will bring to every Wisconsinite.”
The budget brings record investments to K-12 education, with Wisconsin students and schools seeing a $600 million increase in state aid. This money will be directed straight into the classroom, ensuring tax dollars are following students throughout their education.
The budget also provides $5 million annually for the Local Roads Improvement Program; ensuring that Wisconsin’s local roads concerns are addressed.
Rep. Summerfield submitted budget motions to the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) to both increase assistance to rural hospitals and support to replace local bridges. The Representative’s first motion increases funding for health providers to close the Medicaid reimbursement gap, and his second directs an additional $10 million annually towards aging bridges across the state. Both items were included in the final budget.
“With St. Joseph’s Hospital in Chippewa Falls being one of the largest Hospital Sisters Health System hospitals in the state, it’s important that we guarantee our caregivers and patients are being supported,” said Rep. Summerfield. “Local roads and bridges are also a staple of our community, and we needed to make sure they have the resources to ensure they are safe and functioning properly.”
The state budget now heads to the state Senate for consideration before it arrives on Governor Walker’s desk.