Contact: Rep. Dana Wachs, 608.266.7461
MADISON – The state building commission’s decision to defer a host of vital building projects at university campuses statewide will further damage Wisconsin’s economy, Rep. Dana Wachs (D-Eau Claire) said today. Rep. Wachs, who is a member of the commission and the Higher Education Subcommittee, objected to the provisions, which were approved by the commission today.
“Once again we are seeing opportunities for economic growth and job creation squandered by poor budgeting decisions made over the last six years by Governor Walker and the Republicans in the Legislature,” Wachs said. “There were a number of vital projects that should have been approved today but weren’t. Because of poor decisions on issues like transportation and BadgerCare, Walker and the Republicans are tearing down our university system, damaging a key engine of job creation and economic growth. Is it any wonder our state’s economy continues to lag behind the rest of the nation?”
Rep. Wachs voted against the recommendations by Governor Walker to defer a number of projects, including:
UW-Milwaukee – Chemistry Building Safety and Mechanical System Repairs/Renovations
UW-Milwaukee – Engineering and Mathematical Science Laboratory Renovations/Repairs
UW-Eau Claire – Haas Fine Arts Addition and Renovation
UW-Platteville – New Sesquicentennial Hall
UW-Madison – Walnut Street Greenhouses Replacement-Phase II
UW-La Crosse – New Residence Hall
UW-Eau Claire – Governors Hall Addition and Renovation
The Capital Budget will be included in the overall 2017-2019 state budget proposal that will be debated by the Joint Finance Committee over the coming months.