Contact: Josh Zepnick, 608-266-1707
Milwaukee – Today, Representative Zepnick (D-Milwaukee) applauded the appointment of Jennifer Gonda to lead Milwaukee Water Works, the state’s largest water utility.
“After over twelve years of service advocating for the City of Milwaukee in both Madison and Washington DC, Gonda has the policy-making, political sense and problem-solving skills to be a strong leader of Milwaukee’s Water Utility.”
“As ranking Democrat and most senior legislator on the Assembly Energy and Utilities Committee, I have often had the opportunity to work with Jennifer in the past on important issues facing Milwaukee. She brings a common sense pragmatism to the various economic, ecological, and social challenges that Milwaukee faces.”
“Gonda shares my commitment to Milwaukee as a Regional and National leader in keeping our water supply safe, plentiful, and affordable. Without question, water defines our common welfare and deserves smart and responsible oversight.”
“In Milwaukee we have an excellent Water Works department, including a major facility in my District at the Howard Avenue plant. It is important these systems adhere to Federal, and State law requirements to ensure that everyone has access to affordable and clean water.
“I believe Jennifer Gonda will work hard every day to keep in mind the priorities of Milwaukee citizens and taxpayers.”