
Rep. Bowen, (608)-266-7671

Sen. Larson, (608)-266-7505

Rep. Billings, (608)-266-5780

Madison – Today, 35 State Representatives and 11 State Senators signed onto a letter calling on Governor Walker to have Wisconsin join the US Climate Alliance and commit Wisconsin to developing and implementing a state-based plan to fight climate change and create green jobs. The lead authors, Rep. David Bowen (D–Milwaukee), Sen. Chris Larson (D–Milwaukee), and Rep. Jill Billings (D–La Crosse), released a joint statement about the letter:

“The scientific evidence that human activity is significantly contributing to climate change is conclusive. President Trump’s rejection of fact, science, and of the Paris Climate Agreement is an act that endangers every American, and Governor Walker’s silence on this issue echoes this shared anti-environment, anti-middle class agenda. Given the recent reports on Wisconsin’s dismal slump in job creation, we cannot afford to reject both the economic opportunity that green jobs would bring to Wisconsin and the moral obligation of taking a stand to address climate change.”

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