RGA In Strong Financial Position To Defend and Elect Republican Governors

WASHINGTON D.C. – The Republican Governors Association announced today $36 million raised in the first six months of 2017, setting a new fundraising record and surpassing the previous record of $23.5 million set in the first six months of 2013, the last comparable third year of a four-year cycle. This fundraising success puts Republicans in a strong position for victory in gubernatorial elections and ensures the RGA will have ample resources to re-elect our incumbents, target Democrat seats, and elect a new class of Republican governors in 38 gubernatorial elections over the next 16 months.

“The RGA’s record fundraising is the direct result of the hard work and meaningful reform accomplished by every Republican governor,” said RGA Chairman Governor Scott Walker. “Republican governors are America’s doers – they are expanding opportunity, driving job creation, reining in wasteful spending and making government more efficient. With this fundraising success, the RGA is in prime position to re-elect our incumbents and elect even more Republican governors this cycle.”

“As we saw again in 2016, RGA’s investment in close gubernatorial races led to more victories, and it’s why the RGA is the only national political committee in America to pick up seats in four election cycles in a row,” said RGA Executive Director Paul Bennecke. “Our first six months of the election cycle prove we are laser-focused on the fundamentals that win races: fielding top-notch candidates and raising resources.”

Over the past year, the RGA expanded the majority of Republican governors from 31 to 33, a 95-year high and more than twice the number of current Democrat governors. The RGA continues to be the most effective political organization in America and Republican governors continue to be the best investment for advancing conservative policies.