Contact: Anthony Alvarado (920) 277-0328
National – RISE TOGETHER, a leading grassroots advocacy organization in the recovery movement that aims to eliminate the social stigma around mental health and addiction through education and awareness, has announced its Advisory Board. The Board is comprised of both statewide and national members from community advocacy organizations, prevention and education networks, public health agencies, corporations and non-profit’s, and faith based organizations.
The Board’s members include: ● Anthony Alvarado, President and co-founder of Rise Together ● Douglas Darby, Community Outreach Director and co-founder of Rise Together ● Nadine Machkovech, Program Manager of Rise Together ● Ingrid E. Blair, Vice President of Business in the Drug Delivery Systems Division of 3M ● Jesse Heffernan, Iris Place Peer Run Respite Director and Recovery Coach and consultant ● Kimber Walker, founder and CEO of Spread Hope Like Fire ● Ryan Hampton, Huffington Post contributor on addiction and politics, and Outreach Coordinator for Facing Addiction ● Caroline Miller, Outreach Specialist with the Division of Continuing Studies (University of Wisconsin) working on the Wisconsin Voices for Recovery project ● Camden Brieden, founder of New Way Recovery, Inc., Wait21, Crave21, and Better Drinking Culture ● David Johnson, Pastor at New City Community Church of Wisconsin ● Alicia Cook, a writer from NJ whose award winning work focuses on the drug epidemic’s effect on entire families.
The Board will influence Rise Together’s long-term educational program vision and actively exchange best practices. It aims to expand the three-year-old advocacy organization’s presence beyond school walls to physical and online products and services while maintaining Rise Together’s mission of helping to change how people view community education around suicide, bullying, mental illness, drug and alcohol addiction.
“I am blessed and honored by this opportunity to officially partner with Rise Together and their rock star team,‖ said Camden Brieden, founder of New Way Recovery, Inc. and Crave21. is a global health challenge that is raising awareness & support for youth addiction. Crave 21 is a program operated by New Way Recovery, Inc., 501c3 non-profit. ―Rise Together shares a similar vision and passion for educating, engaging, and empowering youth to become the best versions of themselves. With our united effort, we can further amplify the positive impact we are making with youth across the country.”