
Madison – Thanks to the efforts of Republicans, Wisconsin is making one of the largest investments ever in higher education.  On Thursday, the budget-writing Joint Committee on Finance approved an additional $36 million, bringing the state’s total investment to more than $1.1 billion per year. State Senator Alberta Darling says it is a wise investment.
“The UW-System is crucial to our state’s economy, to our future, and to our way of life,” Darling said, “We are working to keep our system schools affordable and effective.”
Building on the success of outcome-based funding used in Wisconsin’s technical colleges, UW-System’s budget will also include a similar plan.  UW schools would be incentivized to earn additional funding by meeting performance goals such as graduation rates and job placement.  Senator Darling says the plan will create better results for both students and taxpayers.
“This budget will help the UW-System adapt to an ever changing environment of rapidly advancing technology and a shifting workforce,” Darling said, “We count on System to produce the leaders of tomorrow, and we are helping them achieve that goal.”
The budget plan approved by the Joint Committee on Finance also makes major investments in Alzheimer’s and cancer research and makes a major investment in the education of the brave men and women who protect our nation.
Senator Darling represents portions of Milwaukee, Ozaukee, Washington and Waukesha Counties.