Contact: Sen. Jon Erpenbach (D –Middleton) (608)266-6670

MADISON, WI – Senator Jon Erpenbach (D-Middleton) offered the weekly Democratic radio addresstoday.

The audio file of this week’s address can be found here:

A written transcript of the address is below:

“Hi this is Democratic Senator Jon Erpenbach.

“Violating our voter’s privacy rights in search of fraud is a waste of time by President Trump. The real voter fraud was committed by Wisconsin Republicans when they rigged the redistricting maps so only they could hold a majority and win elections.

“Democrats in the state have won the November popular vote total in the past, but both the Senate and the Assembly are controlled by Republicans. How can this happen? Compression of votes, dilution of votes, gerrymandering and failure to even pretend that the maps are fair.

“The goal of the last redistricting process was to ensure voters never had a choice. “Swing” seats were eliminated. “Safe” seats were maximized.

“This fraud is so great a panel of three Federal judges overturned the maps and demanded new maps be drawn. The fraud is so valid that the US Supreme Court now will hear how rigged our maps are, how unfair Wisconsin elections have become.

“This should make no one proud. Taking away the right of one person, one vote, without political interference, is the true fraud.

“I believe in the value of the right to vote. Even if people don’t vote for me. The process of clean elections and the value of the right to vote is bigger than any politician, bigger than any party. And it is my sincere hope that the US Supreme Court sees the partisan voter fraud committed by Republicans in redistricting just like the three panel US District Court did.”