Contact: Sen. Jon Erpenbach (D-Middleton) 608-266-6670
Madison – Senator Jon Erpenbach (D-Middleton) offered the weekly Democratic radio address today.
The audio file of this week’s address can be found here.
A written transcript of the address is below:
“Hi, this is State Senator Jon Erpenbach. The Wisconsin Legislature has received Governor Walker’s biennial budget. As we move forward in the budget process Wisconsin democrats remain committed to work for fairer state funding for our public schools, develop policies that build strong family supporting jobs and finding a way, and a long-term solution to our state’s transportation crisis.
“Wisconsin is long overdue for leadership on transportation financing. Our roads have moved from 53% rated good five years ago to just 41% of our roads now rated good. Putting off responsible transportation financing and delaying projects is really bad for Wisconsin.
“Governor Walker’s Wisconsin has trailed the national average in 12 month job creation for the 20th consecutive quarter. That’s every quarter since the republicans and Governor Walker have taken control of Wisconsin government. We need real economic solutions for family supporting jobs now in Wisconsin, not the same old millionaire tax breaks.
“As we move forward in the budget process it is important for citizens to weigh in and say what is important to them. Please contact you legislator and make your state budget priorities known.”