MADISON – Wisconsin State Senator LaTonya Johnson (D – Milwaukee) made the following statement regarding Gov. Walker’s 2017 budget address:
“We must treat people with dignity and respect and provide them with real opportunities if we want Wisconsin children and families to succeed in our communities. I believe this is a core value that all Wisconsinites can get on board with, and our state budget should absolutely reflect this.
“Unfortunately, it appears that Governor Walker’s reelection budget puts his political agenda before the well-being of Wisconsin’s children and families. His first three budgets created winners and losers by pitting our communities against each other, and this budget appears to do more of the same.
“While Gov. Walker and his allies continue to tear down Wisconsin communities in need while giving hand-outs to the wealthy and well-connected, I will fight to build an infrastructure in Wisconsin that creates pathways for our youth and families to thrive and succeed.”