Sen. Steve Nass (608) 266-2635

Senator Steve Nass (R-Whitewater) released a video produced by UW-Madison students showing police officers in pig masks hanging a black male with a U.S. Flag and the video ends with the police officers being beheaded by a black male holding a bloody machete. Due to the size of the video it can be seen and downloaded at:

“This vile and racist anti-police video is clearly a direct threat to the brave men and women that serve behind the badge. UW-Madison must immediately hold these students accountable and that should include an investigation by the local police and the Wisconsin Department of Justice,” Nass said.

Nass noted that the video produced by student Eneale Pickett is hosted and available on UW-Madison’s IT platform, known as “UW-Madison Box.” This platform is supposed to be used by faculty and students for legitimate academic purposes. It would appear that the video violates the terms of use for this official UW-Madison IT platform. The UW-Madison link to the video:

“This racist video has an intent to incite violence against police officers. This can’t be condoned or ignored. UW-Madison must act swiftly and decisively against anyone on their campus that promotes hateful actions of this type,” Nass said.

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