Contact: Kara Pennoyer,, 608-266-5490

House GOP tax plan favors wealthy over working families

MADISON, WI – Despite overwhelming opposition from working families, seniors, farmers and homeowners, Republicans in the U.S. House passed a tax plan that will raise taxes on the middle class and working families, while giving tax cuts to the wealthiest. Senate Democratic Leader Jennifer Shilling (D-La Crosse) released the following statement.

“Whether it’s health care repeal or a tax plan that favors the wealthy, Republicans continue to push dangerous policies that hurt working families. The opportunity to achieve the American Dream is out of reach for far too many families because Republican tax policies favor wealthy corporations. Our economy works best when everyone gets a fair shot and plays by the same rules. Rather than more Republican tax breaks for the wealthy, Democrats want to restore tax fairness and create a better deal for communities, children and working families.”

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