Contact: Sen. Leah Vukmir
MADISON, Wis. — State Sen. Leah Vukmir, R–Brookfield, Tuesday endorsed Gov. Scott Walker’s request of the White House and Congress to send states block grants, giving them full responsibility for health care programs.
“Healthcare is very personal,” said Vukmir, chairman of the Senate Health & Human Services Committee. “That’s why those closest to our constituents, not Washington bureaucrats, should be responsible for tailoring our programs to fit Wisconsin’s needs. A successful repeal of Obamacare begins with the federal government handing over the reins to the states.”
Wisconsin has a proven track record of taking care of its own citizens, covering everyone in poverty and expanding BadgerCare Plus for approximately 147,000 citizens. Republicans wisely rejected Medicaid expansion under Obamacare, and as a result of successful initiatives, Wisconsin avoided a gap in coverage.
“It isn’t the federal government’s job to push one-size-fits-all health care on all 50 states,” Vukmir said. “Decisions about health policy should be made at the state level, where we can have the most impact encouraging innovation and expanding choice.”