Sen. Janet Bewley
(608) 266-3510
MADISON, WI – Senator Janet Bewley (D-Ashland) offered the weekly Democratic radio address today.
The audio file of this week’s address can be found here:
A written transcript of the address is below:
“Hi, this is Senator Janet Bewley with this week’s Democratic Radio Address.
“Many of my Republican colleagues like to talk about people needing to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. The truth is that people who work for a living in Wisconsin are pretty good at putting their boots on and getting the job done. Seven years ago Wisconsin fought its way out of the National Recession and workers eagerly filled over 12,000 new manufacturing jobs.
“How did the Republicans reward these workers for pulling Wisconsin out of the recession? Given the choice of rewarding hard work or wealthy insiders, the Republicans passed a new tax credit that rewards a handful of millionaires and doesn’t require any job creation. The result? Nearly 4,000 manufacturing jobs were ELIMINATED in 2016 according to data the Walker Administration tried to bury last Friday.
“After being fully phased in, the Manufacturers and Ag Tax Credit cost working people $300 million and the result is three thousand, seven hundred and seventy-six LOST jobs.
“That’s $300 million that would be better used for schools, jobs and roads. That would really help Wisconsin’s economy.
“All across this great state, workers pull their boots on every morning, building a better future for their families and their communities. We should be rewarding work, not providing handouts to wealthy insiders who eliminated thousands of Wisconsin jobs. It’s time to put Wisconsin workers first.”