AshLee Strong or Doug Andres
(202) 225-0600
WASHINGTON—After opening the House of Representatives today, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) delivered remarks to recognize National Police Week and honor Wisconsin’s fallen law enforcement officers. Following are Speaker Ryan’s remarks, as prepared for delivery:
“My colleagues, I am proud to stand before the House today to recognize National Police Week. Every year at this time, law enforcement officials from around the country gather here to pay tribute to their fallen brethren and stand with their families. It is yet another measure of their commitment to protect and serve
“Over the last year, four of Wisconsin’s finest have lost their lives in the line of duty:
• Trooper Anthony Borostowski of the Wisconsin State Patrol.
• Deputy Dan Glaze of the Rusk County Sheriff’s Office.
• Officer Michael Ventura of the Town of Salem’s Department of Public Safety.
• Detective Jason Weiland of the Everest Metropolitan Police Department.
“Earlier this year, Detective Weiland was killed establishing a perimeter during a standoff with a shooter who took the lives of three civilians. Jason left behind a wife and two children.
“Anna, almost 11, spoke at the funeral. ‘Our dad was an amazing man that saved lives every day,’ she said. ‘We all know he is always and will be forever in our hearts. He’ll be looking down on us laughing and crying.’
“Looking down that day, Anna’s dad saw some remarkable things. He saw thousands of people—many of whom he had never met—lined up to pay their respects. He saw cops in uniform from all over—from New York, Chicago, Oregon, and Canada. He saw mourners and even pallbearers in green and gold to honor his love of the Packers.
“And he saw blue ribbons everywhere.
“In a time when law enforcement is targeted and too often politicized, we must never take for granted the dangers they face.
“Every day—and every night—they leave their homes and families to protect ours. They put their lives on the line to protect ours.
“For their loved ones, all they hope for—all they pray for—is to hear the car pull into the driveway and see that familiar face come through the door.
“And when the unspeakable happens…when their watch is cut short, ours is only beginning. The support we give to their families, the respect and appreciation we show for their fellow officers—it is the least we as citizens can do, and must do. This week, and every week.
“Today, I ask the whole House to join me in expressing our profound gratitude to law enforcement officers here in our Capitol and across the nation.”