Bernadette Green
(202) 225-2476
(Washington, D.C.) – Congressman Glenn Grothman (R-Glenbeulah) today issued the following statement as the U.S. House of Representatives turns its attention to tax reform:
“I’ve said time and time again that any tax reform the House takes up should focus on helping lift the burdens on the middle class. Commonsense reform will create jobs, increase wages and leave more money in the pockets of working families.
“Earlier this week, President Trump echoed this sentiment in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, noting he ‘care[s] most about […] the middle-income people in this country who have [been left behind].’ When it comes to tax reform, the government too often focuses on the wealthiest Americans and those who depend on government assistance, so I’m glad the president is sticking up for the interests of every day Americans. Quite simply, it’s better for our country when more people are paying taxes.”
Reform should focus on lowering the tax rate on the middle class, and creating a system that brings back jobs and a more competitive environment for businesses.