Contact: U.S. Rep. Moore
To Whom It May Concern – In response to yet another defense of the hate groups responsible for the violent clashes that occurred in Charlottesville, VA, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) issued the following statement:
“As we once again hear Donald Trump defend those responsible for the deadly riot in Charlottesville and receive praise by hate groups like the KKK and neo-Nazis, the time has come for Republicans and Democrats to put aside our political differences and philosophical debates for a higher cause. For the sake of the soul of our country, we must come together to restore our national dignity that has been robbed by Donald Trump’s presence in the White House. My Republican friends, I implore you to work with us within our capacity as elected officials to remove this man as our commander-in-chief and help us move forward from this dark period in our nation’s history.”