Contact: U.S. Rep. Moore

To Whom It May Concern — In response to an invitation by President Donald Trump to attend an event announcing the construction of a Foxconn manufacturing facility in southeastern Wisconsin, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) issued the following statement:

“Yesterday, I respectfully declined an invitation by President Trump to take part in today’s White House announcement regarding the construction of a Foxconn manufacturing facility in Wisconsin. While I am relieved to learn my state could potentially see an influx of jobs because of this project, my constituents have no interest in me entertaining the president’s desire to be used as a backdrop in his photo op. Rather, I will be using this time to answer questions from constituents and local organizations as part of today’s Congressional Black Caucus Twitter Town Hall on Trumpcare.

“Too often, Americans are promised by those they elect that job creation is just beyond the horizon, only to discover that such assurances are merely an attempt to win elections. As a candidate for governor, Scott Walker promised to create 250,000 private-sector jobs in four years. After more than six years in office, Wisconsinites are still waiting for Governor Walker to follow through on his word. The same can be said for President Trump who notably worked with Carrier last year in an effort prevent the shuttering of plants across the country. Nearly seven months after the president declared victory and assured Carrier employees their jobs were safe, we’ve learned hundreds will soon be laid off. Despite their broken promises, I truly believe Wisconsin’s workers, combined with our state’s world-class education system, make the Badger State the best place for businesses to invest, and I approach today’s Foxconn announcement with cautious optimism.

“Americans don’t need politicians taking public victory laps with nothing to show for it. As President Trump and Governor Walker smile for the cameras, I’ll be with the Congressional Black Caucus taking questions from Americans whose lives would be put at risk under Trumpcare.”

Note: Congresswoman Moore will be taking over the Congressional Black Caucus Twitter account today from 5:15pm to 5:45pm ET. To ask a healthcare question, tweet at @OfficialCBC and/or use the hashtag #CBCOnHealthcare (using the hashtag is preferred).