Contact: Ben Voelkel
Washington, D.C. — U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) issued the following statement regarding the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals decision keeping the gray wolf protected under the Endangered Species Act:
“Unfortunately, given Harry Reid’s successful packing of the D.C. circuit with judicial activists, this outrageous decision was to be expected. Regardless of what judges in Washington imagine, the government’s own wildlife experts have ascertained that the species is not endangered. Indeed, the wolf population in northern Wisconsin is causing major problems for farmers and ranchers as it continues to grow unchecked. Wisconsin should be permitted to manage the wolf population according to science rather than judicial whim.”
Sen. Johnson has introduced legislation in consecutive sessions of Congress to follow the findings of federal wildlife experts and delist the gray wolf in Wisconsin and allow wolf management plans that are based on federal and state wildlife expertise to move forward without any legal ambiguity.