Joe Scialfa or Gina Paige
(MADISON) – In recognition of National Child Support Awareness Month, Governor Scott Walker has proclaimed August as a time to celebrate parents who provide the financial and emotional support children need to thrive, and to increase public awareness of the importance of the Wisconsin Child Support Program.
Children are Wisconsin’s greatest resource and providing them the backing they need to become successful is the best investment any parent can make. In 2016, more than $938 million was invested into the well-being of children thanks to Wisconsin’s county and tribal child support agencies.
“Children whose parents make timely child support payments are typically healthier, have fewer behavioral problems, and do better in school,” said Department of Children and Families Secretary Eloise Anderson. “Investing in children by providing support and building relationships can lead to their lifelong success.”
Wisconsin’s child support agencies understand the importance of parental involvement. Today, many child support agencies across Wisconsin work with non-custodial parents to connect them to job opportunities, develop work skills, and forge a meaningful bond with their children.
“We’re trying to change the negative perception many non-custodial parents have about child support,” remarked Anderson. “By creating a partnership with the non-custodial parent and showing that we are also invested in their success we improve outcomes for children, reduce dependence on government assistance, and promote a path to independence and prosperity for families.”
A recent study shows that non-custodial parents who remain current in providing child support have more contact with their children and are more engaged with them in daily activities. To help foster increased parental participation in their children’s lives, the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families encourages all child support agencies to not only work to ensure timely payments, but also offer assistance to parents in gaining the means to stay involved with their children both financially and emotionally.
See more about the Wisconsin Child Support Program on the Department of Children and Families website