Today the Wisconsin’s Firearm Owners thanked Senators Van Wanggaard (R-Racine), Patrick Testin (R-Stevens Point), and Duey Stroebel (R-Saukville) for their votes last week to recommend passage of the Right to Carry Bill.
The bill would allow Wisconsin residents to carry a weapon in a concealed manner without first obtaining a permit from the government. Current law in Wisconsin already allows citizens to openly carry a weapon without a permit.
“Six years ago, opponents of Wisconsin’s concealed carry law predicted that it would turn our state into the Wild West,” said Wisconsin Firearms Owners President Mike Stewart, who is also a Federal licensed firearms dealer.
“All the statistics show that this prediction did not happen. Now those same people want you to believe that
this bill will do the same. Other states that have adopted constitutional carry show that, again, this will not
“People will seek out higher quality training on their own. I see this every day as people come in to purchase a firearm. We don’t need substandard government mandated training.”
Wisconsin Firearm Owners also thanks Rep. Felzkowski, Sen. Craig and all the bill’s co-sponsors for putting this proposal forward.
“Wisconsin will be safer with the passage of the Right to Carry bill.”
Wisconsin Firearms Owners is the state’s only NRA State Chartered Association and represents the interests of all gun owners, ranges, clubs, and educators.