Contact: Brad Bainum,

“Billionaire puppet Kevin Nicholson and right-wing extremist Leah Vukmir need to tell the people of Wisconsin why they support Trump and Paul Ryan gifting 80% of tax cuts to the top 1%”

MADISON — Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Martha Laning issued the following statement on Americans for Prosperity, a front-group bankrolled by out-of-state billionaire brothers and GOP megadonors Charles and David Koch, launching a new, misleading attack ad against Tammy Baldwin — all because she refuses to support Donald Trump and Paul Ryan’s big tax-cut giveaway for the wealthy few:

“Out-of-state billionaires are attacking Tammy Baldwin on Wisconsin airwaves because they know she won’t support a tax giveaway for CEOs and the super-rich paid for by hardworking Wisconsinites. Billionaire puppet Kevin Nicholson and right-wing extremist Leah Vukmir need to tell the people of Wisconsin why they support Trump and Paul Ryan gifting 80% of tax cuts to the top 1% over the next decade while one in four middle class families pay more.”