Contact: Brian Rice, WisDOT Southwest Region Maintenance Engineer
(608) 246-3872

Pavement repairs will occur on Thursday (Oct. 26) at the I-39/90 and I-43 interchange loop ramps near Beloit. To safely accommodate this work, ramp closures are scheduled from midnight Wednesday (Oct. 25) to midnight Thursday (Oct. 26) at the following ramps:

  • I-39/90 southbound to I-43 northbound – Janesville to Delavan
  • I-39/90 northbound to WIS 81 (Milwaukee Road) – South Beloit to Beloit
  • I-43 southbound to I-39/90 southbound – Delavan to South Beloit
  • WIS 81 (Milwaukee Road) to I-39/90 northbound – Beloit to Janesville

Motorists are urged to plan ahead, use alternate routes and allow extra time to safely reach their destination. Motorists are reminded to be alert for crews and equipment, and drive with caution in all work zones.

These operations and ramp closures are weather dependent and subject to change.

For more information regarding traffic impacts, transportation news and improvement project updates in Wisconsin’s southwest region:

Alerts and updates provided via these sites are not intended for use while driving.  When driving, your focus should always be on driving.