Wisconsin State Patrol Captain Brian Ausloos
During the international Roadcheck initiative June 6 – 8, the Wisconsin State Patrol will join law enforcement officials across North America to conduct enhanced inspections of commercial motor vehicles and drivers including the importance of having all cargo properly secured.
The 30th annual Roadcheck is sponsored by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA). During the 72-hour event, about 10,000 CVSA-certified commercial motor vehicle inspectors throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico will intensify efforts to increase compliance with commercial motor vehicle driver and equipment regulations.
Each Roadcheck initiative typically involves a special emphasis area, with this year’s focus on cargo securement. Tuesday, June 6th has been nationally designated as “Secure Your Load Day” and electronic signs along key Wisconsin travel corridors will display messages on the topic. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety estimates that improperly secured loads and roadway debris contributed to some 39,000 traffic injuries and 500 deaths in the U.S. between 2011 and 2014.
“During Roadcheck and throughout the year, our highly-trained commercial motor vehicle inspectors are patrolling highways and working at our safety and weight enforcement facilities to help ensure that all safety equipment on commercial vehicles is in good operating condition and that drivers are properly licensed and within their hours of service,” said Wisconsin State Patrol Captain Brian Ausloos. “Along with checking a commercial vehicle’s tires, brakes and lights, we also look at drivers’ logbooks and credentials as part of overall efforts to prevent large-truck crashes and improve highway safety for everyone.”
During last year’s three-day International Roadcheck period, the Wisconsin State Patrol conducted 1,240 commercial motor vehicle inspections and detected nearly 4,400 safety violations. As a result, 351 vehicles and 80 drivers were ordered out of service until the violations were corrected.
A WisDOT You Tube video shows State Patrol inspectors at work and explains the benefits to all motorists of commercial motor vehicle safety.