Contact: Alec Zimmerman
(608) 257-4765
Putting Everything “Back On The Table,” Gronik’s Fall Back Goes Further Than Before Act 10
[Madison, WI]— As first reported by WKOW in Madison, out-of-touch con artist Andy Gronik is putting everything “back on the table” when it comes to collective bargaining—including allowing state employees to pay nothing towards their health insurance and pension.  While Governor Walker returned authority to the hard-working taxpayers of our state, Andy Gronik’s “plan” would place taxpayers under even more big government special interest control than Wisconsin faced under Governor Jim Doyle.  Worse yet, Gronik fails to have a plan for paying for this extreme position that would undo the billions in savings that have resulted from these reforms.
Even after the reforms of Act 10 were in place, state employee health care contributions were half the average of what people pay across the country.  Gronik’s extreme idea would put taxpayers on the hook and leave state employees paying nothing—a benefit they did not even have before Act 10. Andy Gronik’s lack of serious ideas will put the taxpayers of Wisconsin at risk, and undo the reforms of the past several years.
“It’s easy for an out-of-touch con artist like Andy Gronik to spout off in an interview, but the fact remains that hard-working Wisconsin taxpayers and families have already seen $5 billion in savings as a result of the reforms in Act 10. Gronik would not only take that away, but go even further than the big government special interests who controlled Wisconsin before Governor Walker put taxpayers in charge.  If Andy Gronik is going to be a serious candidate for governor, he must immediately share his plan for how he’ll pay for these extreme ideas,” said Alec Zimmerman, spokesman for the Republican Party of Wisconsin.
Watch the full story from WKOW here.
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