Contact: Alec Zimmerman (608) 257-4765
[Madison, WI]—Senator Tammy Baldwin spent President Trump’s first week in office rejecting reform and defending the Washington status quo. By deciding to play political games with President Trump’s cabinet nominees instead of focusing on real changes, she showed how out of touch she is with Wisconsinites.
“At every opportunity during the week Senator Tammy Baldwin rejected reform and embraced the Washington status quo that Wisconsinites opposed last November,” said Alec Zimmerman, spokesman for the Republican Party of Wisconsin. “Senator Baldwin is so out of touch she would rather cozy up to special interests than fight on behalf of hard-working Wisconsin families.”
Senator Baldwin Rejects Reform for Farmers
– Senator Baldwin vowed to oppose Scott Pruitt as the Administrator for the Environmental Protection Agency.
– Pruitt is well known for his fight against the Obama Administration’s Waters of the United States rule, which would place burdensome regulations on Wisconsin farmers.
Senator Baldwin Rejects Reform for Families
– Senator Baldwin said she would oppose the confirmation of Secretary of Education nominee Betsy DeVos.
– Instead of focusing on real reforms to our educational system, Baldwin is committed to protecting special interests and the status quo at the expense of Wisconsin families.
Senator Baldwin Rejects Healthcare Reform
– By not to supporting Rep. Tom Price for Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, Senator Baldwin is standing by Obamacare’s failures.
– Senator Baldwin is supporting a system from Washington that has led to fewer choices and higher costs here at home.
Senator Baldwin Rejects National Security Reform
– Senator Baldwin put her own agenda ahead of the national security interests by not voting to confirm Rep. Mike Pompeo as the new Director for the Central Intelligence Agency.
– At a time when threats to America exist throughout the globe, Senator Baldwin has decided to play political games instead of supporting real reform that would keep Americans safe.