1st CD: Paul Ryan
Speaker’s Office
H-232 The Capitol
Washington D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-0600
Fax: (202) 225-5117
- Chief of Staff: Jonathan Burks: jonathan.burks@mail.house.gov
- Deputy Chief of Staff: Andy Speth: andy.speth@mail.house.gov
- Counselor to the Speaker: Brendan Buck: brendan.buck@mail.house.gov
- Director of House Operations: Jennifer Hemingway: jennifer.hemingway@mail.house.gov
- National Security Advisor: Jeff Dressler: jeff.dressler@mail.house.gov
- Press Secretary: AshLee Strong: ashlee.strong@mail.house.gov
Washington D.C. District Office
1233 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone:(202) 225-3031
Fax:(202) 225-3393
- Chief of staff: Danyell Tremmel: (608) 752-4050 x118, danyell.tremmel@mail.house.gov
- Deputy Chief of Staff: Allison Steil: (202) 225-3031, allison.steil@mail.house.gov
- Press Secretary Ian Martorana: (202) 225-3031, ian.martorana@mail.house.gov
- Constituent services: Susie Liston: (608) 752-4050, x114 susie.liston@mail.house.gov
- Legislative matters: Katie Donnell: (202) 225-3031, katie.donnell@mail.house.gov
2nd CD: Mark Pocan
Washington D.C. Office
1421 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2906
Fax: (202) 225-6942
- Chief of Staff – Glenn Wavrunek: glenn.wavrunek@mail.house.gov, (202) 225-2906
- Deputy Chief of Staff: Alicia Molt: alicia.molt@mail.house.gov, (202) 225-2906
- Communications Director: David Kolovson: david.kolovson@mail.house.gov, (202) 225-2906
- Constituent services: Luanne Kostelic: luanne.kostelic@mail.house.gov, (608) 258-9800
- Legislative matters: Syd Terry: sydney.terry@mail.house.gov, (202) 225-2906
3rd CD: Ron Kind
Washington D.C. Office
1502 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5506
Fax: (202) 225-5739
- Chief of Staff: Mike Goodman: mike.goodman@mail.house.gov, (202) 225-5506
- District Chief of Staff: Loren Kannenberg (WI): loren.kannenberg@mail.house.gov, (608) 782-3574
- Deputy Chief of Staff: Brad Pfaff (WI): brad.pfaff@mail.house.gov,(608) 782-3574
- Communications Director: Amanda Sherman: Amanda.sherman@mail.house.gov, (202) 225-5506
- Constituent services: Loren Kannenberg: loren.kannenberg@mail.house.gov, (608) 782-3574
- Legislative matters: Elizabeth Stower: Elizabeth.stower@mail.house.gov, (202) 225-5506
4th CD: Gwen Moore
Washington D.C. Office
2252 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4572
- Chief of Staff: Sean Gard: sean.gard@mail.house.gov
- Communications Director: Eric Harris: eric.harris@mail.house.gov
- Legislative matters: Chris Goldson: chris.goldson@mail.house.gov
- Constituent services: District Director Shirley Ellis: shirley.ellis@mail.house.gov
5th CD: Jim Sensenbrenner
Washington D.C. Office
2449 Rayburn HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5101
- Chief of Staff: Bart Forsyth: bart.forsyth@mail.house.gov
- Deputy Chief of Staff: Loni Hagerup: loni.hagerup@mail.house.gov
- Communications Director: Nicole Tieman: nicole.tieman@mail.house.gov>
- Legislative matters: Amy Bos: amy.bos@mail.house.gov
- Constituent services: Sally Cole sally.cole@mail.house.gov
6th CD Glenn Grothman
Washington D.C. Office
1217 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2476
Fax: (202) 225-2356
- Chief of Staff: Rachel VerVelde: rachel.vervelde@mail.house.gov, (202) 225-2476
- Communications Director: Bernadette Green, bernadette.green@mail.house.gov, (202) 225-2476
- Constituent services: Alan Ott (alan.ott@mail.house.gov) and Sadie Parafiniuk (sadie.parafiniuk@mail.house.gov),(920) 907-0624
- Legislative matters: Ryan Croft (ryan.croft@mail.house.gov) and Chris Grawien (chris.grawien@mail.house.gov), (202) 225-2476
Email is preferred.
7th CD: Sean Duffy
Washington D.C. Office
2330 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-3365 or (855) 585-4251 (toll-free)
- Chief of staff: Pete Meachum pete.meachum@mail.house.gov
- Deputy Chief of Staff: Andy Taylor: andy.taylor@mail.house.gov
- Communications Director: Mark Bednar: mark.bednar@mail.house.gov, 202-738-0744
- Constituent services: Jesse Garza: jesse.garza@mail.house.gov
- Legislative matters: Ryan McCormack: ryan.mccormack@mail.house.gov
8th CD: Mike Gallagher
Washington D.C. Office
1007 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5665
- Chief of Staff: McKay Daniels: mckay.daniels@mail.house.gov, (202) 225-5665
- District Chief of Staff: Rick Sense: rick.sense@mail.house.gov, (920) 380-0061
- Communications Director: Madison Wiberg: madison.wiberg@mail.house.gov, (202) 225-5665
- Legislative matters: Jennifer Shirley: jennifer.shirley@mail.house.gov, (202) 225-5665
U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson
Washington D.C. Office
328 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5323
Fax: (202) 228-6965
- Chief of staff: Tony Blando. tony_blando@ronjohnson.senate.gov
- Deputy Chief of Staff: Julie Leschke in Oshkosh: julie_leschke@ronjohnson.senate.gov; Marlo Meuli in Washington: marlo_meuli@ronjohnson.senate.gov
- Communications Director: Ben Voelkel ben_voelkel@ronjohnson.senate.gov
- Constituent services: Terri Crawford: terri_crawford@ronjohnson.senate.gov
- Legislative matters: Sean Riley: sean_riley@ronjohnson.senate.gov
Email is preferred.
U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin
Washington D.C. Office
709 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-5653
Call toll-free from Wisconsin: (800) 247-5645
- Chief of Staff: Bill Murat
- Deputy Chief of Staff: Ken Reidy
- Communications Director: John Kraus
- State Director: Janet Piraino
- Legislative Director: Dan McCarthy
Contact online at https://www.baldwin.senate.gov/feedback