
Today, A Stronger Wisconsin launched a new ad, “Her, Him, You,” that highlights Governor Scott Walker’s failing to protect health care for people with pre-existing conditions. If Walker had his way, insurance companies could drop coverage for people who have ever been sick before—right when they need health care the most. The ad urges Wisconsinites to tell Walker to “stand up for us” and stop putting his own political ambitions ahead of everything else.

This 30-second spot is part of a statewide television buy. A Stronger Wisconsin is a Democratic Governors Association backed issue-advocacy organization.

The ad can be viewed here, and its transcript is below:

Narrator: “If he really wanted to help her…or him…or them.

“Scott Walker would have never come up with a plan for health care that ends protections for anyone who’s ever been sick before.

“Under Walker’s plan, as long as the insurance company can call it a pre-existing condition, they can drop you right when you need them the most.

“And that’s what happens when you have a governor who puts his political ambitions ahead of everything else… Including her…him… And you.”

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