Media Contact:
Laurie Fischer
12.12.2018: The American Dairy Coalition applauds Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS), Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Rep. Michael Conaway (R-TX) and Rep. Collin Peterson (D-MN) — all agriculture-oriented leaders — for the hard work to advance the 2018 Farm Bill through both the Senate and the House of Representatives.  The bill represents a solid step forward in aiding farmers struggling with poor market conditions and many other daily challenges.
The new Farm Bill enhances assistance to farmers when the market price for a corn, soybeans, wheat, etc., falls to critically low levels as well as provides access to more risk-management tools for dairy operations. It also improves vital disaster programs; continues the commitment to the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) by increasing funding for EQIP to $2.025 billion by fiscal year 2023; fosters innovation through Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG); and builds on the success of International Food Aid and Food Security Efforts.
The American Dairy Coalition appreciates the bipartisan effort that resulted in the advancement of the Farm Bill. The passing of the Farm Bill is a great step in the right direction, but much more needs to be done to help pull our nation’s dairy farmers facing financial crisis as a result of low milk prices and the impacts of retaliatory tariffs on dairy product exported to some of our major dairy trading partners.
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