Contact: Phil Anderson

Anderson for WI Governor

Phone:  608-361-8608



Fitchburg, WI, August 29th, 2018 – On Thursday August 30th, Wisconsin International Radio will be sponsoring a gubernatorial debate, at the Elks Lodge #410 in Madison Wisconsin.

“I’m really looking forward to the back and forth between candidates- we have many ideas and positions to share, and the public will benefit from knowing more about their options in November,” states Phil Anderson, Libertarian candidate for Governor.

The event begins at 5pm with a social, with the debate itself starting at 6:30pm. Questions have been submitted by the candidates to the moderator, Miles Kristan, who will ask questions and encourage respectful debate between the 4 candidates. More information about the debate can be found on the Facebook event page, here:

Candidates who have confirmed their participation include Phil Anderson, Libertarian; Maggie Turnbull, Independent; Arnie Enz, Independent; and Michael White, Green Party. Anderson received 7% support among registered voters in the most recent Marquette Law School Poll, and all 4 candidates will appear on the November 6th ballot.

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