For Immediate Release: January 12th, 2018 Contact: Phil Anderson Anderson for WI Governor Phone: 608-361-8608 Email: |
Phil Anderson urges Gov. Walker to sign Senate Bill 169
Fitchburg, WI, January 12th, 2018 – Libertarian candidate for Governor Phil Anderson is urging Scott Walker to sign Senate Bill 169. SB169 would allow for the concealed carry of a firearm without a concealed carry license anywhere in the state where an individual is legally allowed to be.
“I urge the Governor to remember that to pre-emptively restrict a person’s right to defend themselves from aggressors, criminals, or even their own government if necessary, by requiring a license, is immoral, unconstitutional, and not conservative,” states Anderson. “Walker’s posing for photo ops in hunting gear implies that he has a fundamental misunderstanding about what ‘rights’ are, and in particular, of the actual purpose of the enumerated right in the Second Amendment.”
“Furthermore, let’s not forget about the racist roots of gun control laws,” continues Anderson. “Gun control laws were initiated in the South, by Democrats, to keep blacks from fighting back against the KKK, many of whose members were part of the law enforcement community. When government restricts basic rights, the restriction can serve as a weapon against minorities, whether racial, religious, political, whatever. I believe and understand that all Americans have the right to defend themselves, not just who government picks and chooses. This right can only be restricted through the due process of law, based on a criminal conviction, not pre-emptively by requiring a license.”
Anderson concludes: “As your governor, I will continue to fight for the basic rights of all people, and among them, the right to defend those rights.”
Phil Anderson is the Chair of the Libertarian Party of Wisconsin, and a candidate for Governor. He can be reached at, or via