Multiple media outlets are projecting U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin has won re-election over GOP challenger Leah Vukmir.

The call came shortly after the polls closed and before returns began trickling in.

Baldwin, D-Madison, was an early GOP target, and millions poured into Wisconsin ahead of the GOP primary, which featured Vukmir and business consultant Kevin Nicholson, a former Marine. But after Vukmir beat Nicholson, spending by independent groups slowed dramatically.

That helped amplify Baldwin’s significant financial advantage over Vukmir, who the Dem repeatedly knocked in TV ads over her health care voters and charged she would repeal protections for those with pre-existing conditions. Vukmir repeatedly pushed back on the assertion.

Baldwin raised $31.1 million since the day after her 2012 election through mid-October and reported net expenditures of $28.1 million.

By comparison, Vukmir, had $5.2 million in receipts since she got into the race in September 2017 and $4.1 million in net expenditures.

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