Justin Bielinski
Barnes joins Sen. Tammy Baldwin and Randy Bryce as the only Wisconsin candidates to receive the progressive group’s endorsement in 2018
Milwaukee: Democracy for America (DFA), a member-driven progressive political organization founded by Gov. Howard Dean in 2004, has endorsed Mandela Barnes for Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin. Barnes joins US Senator Tammy Baldwin and 1st Congressional District Candidate Randy Bryce as the only Wisconsin candidates to be endorsed by DFA in 2018.
Jim Dean, Director of DFA, released the following statement:
“Mandala Barnes is not only a hero in his home state of Wisconsin for his work championing progressive economic policy, criminal justice reform, and healthcare in the State Assembly, since his tenure in office he’s been a national leader in the battle for gun violence prevention and the building of progressive power in the nation’s state capitols. Democracy for America members are thrilled to support Mandala in his race to become the Badger State’s next Lieutenant Governor, because we know he’s committed to making sure Wisconsin works for working people once again.
Said Barnes:
“I am honored to have earned the support of DFA in my campaign for Lieutenant Governor. I’ve built my career as an organizer, state legislator, and policy professional by fighting for progressive principles. Principles like healthcare as a fundamental human right, quality public education for every child, and green jobs as the backbone of our 21st century economy. I am thrilled to be among such an impressive slate of endorsed candidates, and I look forward to helping restore Wisconsin’s proud progressive tradition as part of a new Democratic administration.”
The Democracy for America endorsement comes on the heels of endorsements for Mr. Barnes from Collective PAC, Iron Workers Union Local 8, Communications Workers of America (CWA) District 4, Working Families Party, and more. A full list is available at
DFA’s mission is to build and empower a broad coalition of grassroots organizers to elect the New American Majority – people of color and white progressives – to fight for inclusive populism at all levels of government in all 50 states.
Mandela’s campaign is based on restoring and expanding opportunity across Wisconsin, beginning with what he dubs the 4 Essentials of Opportunity: Equity in Healthcare, Economic Progress, Investment in Education, and Environmental Protection. Barnes is a former 2-term state legislator and community organizer from Milwaukee.