Justin Bielinski

Milwaukee: The Mandela Barnes campaign has begun releasing its first round of video ads ahead of the August 14th Democratic primary for Lieutenant Governor. The first video, a 3-minute piece called “Meet Mandela,” about growing up in the 53206 ZIP code and what great things are still possible in Wisconsin, has racked up over 20,000 viral views before the first ad buy.

Other, bite-sized video ads have started to debut as well, which outline Mandela’s platform “The Essentials of Opportunity.” Those essentials are healthcare, public education, environmental protection, and a fair economy.

“Meet Mandela” and all other campaign ads for Mandela Barnes will be available on the campaign website as they are released. Interested press are encouraged to contact manager Justin Bielinski for further information or to schedule an interview with the candidate.

Mandela Barnes is a former 2-term state legislator, community organizer, and policy professional from Milwaukee. He is seeking the Democratic nomination for Lieutenant Governor in the August 14th primary election. More information is available at