For Immediate Release                     

DATE:  January 17, 2018

CONTACT:  Jonathan Barry, Executive Secretary (608) 266-8369


MADISON – The Board of Commissioners of Public Lands (BCPL) today approved slightly more than $7 million in State Trust Fund Loans to support four community projects in Wisconsin.  Board Chair Brad Schimel and Commissioner Doug La Follette voted in favor of the loans with Commissioner Matt Adamczyk voting against them.

The BCPL approved the following loans:

  • City of Middleton, Dane County / Finance TID #5 economic development incentive / $1,500,000
  • Town of Vandenbroek, Outagamie County / Remodel town hall / $750,000
  • Town of Vandenbroek, Outagamie County / Purchase fire truck / $120,000
  • City of West Allis, Milwaukee County / Finance TID #11 economic development project / $5,000,000

The BCPL operates entirely on program revenue, without taxpayer money, and distributes more than 96 cents of every dollar of interest earned on BCPL State Trust Fund investments to Wisconsin’s public schools.  The 2017 earnings of $32.1 million provide the sole source of state funding for K‑12 public school library materials.

A list of 2017 library aid received by each public school district is available at: (

Established in 1848 by the State Constitution, the BCPL consists of the Secretary of State Doug La Follette, State Treasurer Matt Adamczyk, and Attorney General Brad Schimel.  The BCPL manages the Common School Fund, which was created in Article X of Wisconsin’s Constitution, as a permanent endowment to benefit public education.

To learn more about the agency, visit