Contact: Scott Laeser, Water Program Director, (608) 251-7020 x13 or

Jon Drewsen, Communications Manager, (608) 251-7020 x28 or

MADISON, WI —Clean Wisconsin released the following statement after the Lafayette County Board of Supervisors voted to fund the Southwest Wisconsin Groundwater and Geology (SWIGG) Study in 2019:

“After a spirited debate and discussion, we applaud the many Lafayette County Board members who stood in strong support for clean drinking water by voting to fund the SWIGG study. Their leadership will help local residents understand the quality and safety of their drinking water.

“The standing-room-only crowd at the meeting clearly shows that issue is important to many people in Lafayette County, and it’s encouraging to see the many members of the board represent the interests of their constituents.

“Clean Wisconsin and the citizens of Lafayette County thank the following board supervisors for standing up for clean water: Steve Spensley, Leon Wolfe, Tony Ruesga, Bob Boyle, Kriss Marion, Bob Laeser, Ursula Fecht, Carol Korn, and Rita Buchholz.”

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