For Immediate Release:

April 6, 2018



Melissa Miller, 202-875-9188


Scott Walker’s Reelection Odds Downgraded

Following an embarrassing showing at the polls earlier this week, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s reelection odds were officially downgraded by Nathan Gonzales at Inside Elections, one of the major election ratings operations.

Pundits and reporters had already made clear he was in bad shape, but today’s announcement marks the first official ratings shift since Tuesday when Walker himself warned of a coming “#BlueWave in WI.”

“Today’s downgrade announcement reflects the fact that Wisconsin’s families and small businesses have just plain had enough of Walker’ failed leadership and me-first-politics,” said DGA Press Secretary Melissa Miller. “Walker has spent 8 years putting Scott Walker’s political future ahead of Wisconsin’s future, so it makes sense that Wisconsin voters won’t want to give him another 4. Scott Walker is in trouble—the pundits know it, the people of Wisconsin know it, and Walker himself knows it.”

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