Ken Depperman formally announced his bid for Republican Party State Assembly Representative in the 59th Assembly District (serving parts of Calumet, Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, and Washington Counties) at the Village of Kewaskum Board meeting on Monday, April 16, 2018. He is currently a Fond du Lac County Board Supervisor and Town of Auburn Chairperson. Ken is also on the Fond du Lac County Finance Committee as well as the Commission on Aging Committee. Previous committee assignments included: Chairperson, University of Wisconsin Education, Extension, Ag, and Recreation; Land Conservation Committee; and Executive Committee. He is also Vice-President of the Campbellsport Public Library Board. Ken is on the Wisconsin Counties Association Steering Committee on Transportation and Public Works. He is also the Town of Auburn Planning Commission Chairperson and on the Town of Auburn Board of Review.

Ken has been married for over 30 years to Mary Kay Depperman. He is retired and worked 34 years in the Professional Staffing Industry. Ken has a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Biological Sciences, with a minor in Chemistry. He has resided at his current address in the Town of Auburn, Campbellsport for over 25 years. Ken is a member of St. John Lutheran Church in New Fane; a pheasant hunter and member of the Dundee Sportsmen’s Club; and an avid snowmobiler and member of the Northern Kettle Moraine Crooked Trails Snowmobile Club (past President and also past Vice-President of Events).

Since retiring, Ken has given time to serving the community. He wants to represent the 59th Assembly District to maximize the quality of life in our district, keep taxes low, and to increase job opportunities for the citizens in the district. Ken also wants to continue the expansion of high speed internet in our rural areas to increase business opportunities, and also allow individuals and students to be able to work from home. He wants to use his experience on the County Ag and Land Conservation Committees to help the farm community in any and every legislative way possible.

Ken is a member of the Fond du Lac County Republican Party. He is a Fiscal Conservative with a Social Conscience. His main issues of concern in the State of Wisconsin are Transportation, Education, and Human Services.

Ken can be reached by e-mail at or by phone at (920) 533-5297.

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