Contact: DOA Communications, (608) 266-7362

MADISON – Wisconsin maintained its high score of A- in the newest Center for Digital Government survey of the 50 states’ use of digital technologies to improve service delivery, increase capacity, and reach policy goals, the center announced today.

Wisconsin’s grade in the biennial survey is unchanged from 2016 and up from a B in 2014. The state’s grade was a C+ in 2010.

States in the A range “show results across all survey categories. Modernization is used to realize operational efficiencies and strategic priorities. There is evidence of meaningful collaboration, and performance measures and metrics are widely adopted.”

“The 2018 Digital States Survey validates our ongoing efforts to leverage digital technology to make state government more effective, efficient and accountable to the taxpayer,” Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA) Secretary Ellen Nowak said. “From stewardship over modern enterprise IT resources to the successful deployment of STAR financial, human resource and other functions across state government, we will continue to pursue solutions that position Wisconsin to win the 21st century.”

“We also thank the work of IT professionals across state government who work proactively and collaboratively to advance our state’s IT systems, and whose work is also reflected in our high score,” Secretary Nowak continued.

Wisconsin was one of only 13 states that achieved an overall grade of A or A- in the 2018 survey.

A national overview of all 50 states and their grades is available at

The Center for Digital Government is a California-based national research and advisory institute on information technology policies and best practices in state and local government. Through its diverse and dynamic programs and services, the Center provides public and private sector leaders with decision support, knowledge, and opportunities to help them effectively incorporate new technologies in the 21st century.

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